Sunday, January 4, 2009

Neurobic Exercises

(continuation from "Fixing My Brain") Well, I brought the book with me to work and started reading it on the subway. The premise of the book is to always do new things in order to stimulate your brain. Take a shower in the dark. I've done that (I forget why -- probably my bulbs burned out). It was a bit weird. Get off the subway at a different stop (either too soon, or a later stop). Prepare five scent canisters; when you get to certain locations, open one of them and smell -- you will create new associations with that place and will think of it the next time you smell that same scent. Wow! I was alive thinking of all the possibilities that lay ahead. I drove my my co-worker, Charles, insane with my babble about the books and all the possibilities.

Charles is a very nice, refined, and soft-spoken man. I am always amazed at how patiently and politely he deals with listening to all my streamofconchiness babble. Although, on occasion (when he's over-saturated), he does quietly walk away to the adjacent office and closes the door.
On this one occasion, though, Charles quietly asked "Have you ever heard of the Dining in the Dark restaurant in Germany?" "Dining in the Dark?!!," I said. "Please tell me about it." Charles said it was a restaurant that had started this theme in order to heighten the olfactory senses by temporarily removing sight. That most of the waitstaff were actually blind. He sent me a site for it.

I loved the idea that employment was made possible for the blind with this type of restaurant. Then I started doing research on it and found that California had started a similar gimmick and had three restaurants in CA. I was realy psyched!!! We did not have one in New York. I called Trevor, whom I've already told you has created and organizes a gigantic artistic loft. They have events there all the time. So, I asked him [I'm the green font, Trevor's purple],
"Trev, could I give a dining in the dark event at Wonderland?" He said, "Sure, for a fee." "A fee? What kind of a fee?" "Oh, I don't know, maybe $100...maybe $400." "For what period of time?" "Oh, I really don't know. I would have to guess, maybe two to three hours. Let me ask you this. Will you be having more than twelve diners?" "No, I doubt it." "Then why wouldn't you do it at your apartment?" "That's a great idea!!! I'm doing this!"
Of course, no one mentioned the fact that my apartment is still almost completely unpacked. But, what the heck! It would be in the dark, so hopefully they would not see anything. I didn't have to wait to do this, I could do it as soon as possible.

So, that's how that idea was borne. More on the histrionic preparations later........

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