Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve Preparations

What you say????? Huh???? I must be getting ready for a super New Year's Eve party??? Dancing? Perhaps singing? Nah!!!! WRONG!!!! I admit it. I'm still here in my PJs. I can barely move due to the pain of having sat in this chair day and night for three days now. Don't know how I'm ever going to get myself in shape to return to work on Friday. My brain is blogized. My intellect is of an extreme ass fresco nature. I hope no one at the office has any expectations of my exhibiting any modicum of intelligence. And the crumbs of food all around the PC are getting out of hand. I've been whirling myself around the kitchen in my rolling office chair -- while never letting myself out of my chair for a moment -- in order to get food from time to time. I'm using my legs and feet as a springboard. At least they will perhaps get some exercise. Whenever I decide that enough is enough, a new brainstorm hits me and I can't leave the screen. My eyes burn, the back of my neck is killing me, my back, oh the pain in my back!!!!

What can I say? This was a terrific gift to me. But, I'm afraid I'll never leave the apartment again. My only hope is that perhaps I'll put an outfit on and resemble a human being.


  1. You at work today or still merging with your chair? Maybe my next gift for you will be one of those pressurized air cans with a tiny straw at the nozzle that is used for jettisoning crumbs and edible debris out of the interstices of your keyboard and equipment. It would definitely be a mom-beloved instrument in the spirit of meticulous and obsessive cleaning of tiny porelike areas, but would also, therefore, be empty within an hour's time.

  2. interstices.........oooooh, i like that. you've got to be an intellectual. :)

  3. Here mom - check out this site and decide whether you should invite the narrator to follow your blog - you may be birds of a feather.

  4. I checked it out and it is absolutely fantastik!!! It's right up my warped-humor alley. Hillarious!!! Already checked with Rob and asked his permission to include his site.
