Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Instant Response Gratification

Do you find that when you either call, or e-mail someone, you want an instant response? I go crazy when I don't get one. And, I usually don't. I assume that everyone else is like me and doesn't have a life. But, I guess that's not so. Or, else, they do have a life -- theirs. I never wait to reply to an e-mail, thereby playing "The Game." I just respond immediately. I am so not a game player. I'm direct and honest. Sometimes it can turn others off. I'm so very predictable. Hey, if you really want to know what I think of your actions, I'll tell you. So, if you really don't want to know, please don't ask me.

Although, I do find that my instant maniacal frenzied replies sometimes cause problems when plans are changed frequently. Then, I have to continually refer to my last response to see what the HELL it was that I might be participating in, and where it's taking place as of the current moment. It's a lot of extra work. Would be much easier if I could just lobotomize somewhere and wait for the scheduled date to come around, and then respond as of that moment as to whether I can attend.


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